Welcome to STUEFA

Hello, and welcome to STUEFA. Sit down, make yourself a cup of tea, get yourself comfortable.

I've been wanting to start a football blog for a long time now, and I figured it's now the perfect time. With the recent realisation that I eventually want to make a career out of sports writing/journalism, I've been thinking long and hard about what to write about, and I figured I'd return to my first love - association football. I will be continuing Go For It On Fourth with Kyle, but with the NFL currently in the off season and myself having a bit of writer's block on that front, I've decided now is the perfect time to launch this blog.

Two years ago with the 2018 World Cup, I ran my usual sweepstakes, but alongside that, I ran a World Cup live series on Facebook that proved to be quite popular, and with Euro 2020 coming up in the summer - subject to getting the go ahead with the Coronavirus issues currently plaguing the world - I decided that it was time to give that series a larger platform.

So, alongside that series will be this blog. What will this blog be about? Well, the simple answer is: football. The more complicated answer is that it'll be whatever comes to my mind. I thought about focusing on international football, but I follow club football closely as well, so I decided not to limit myself. Those who know me well know that I'm a bit of a dork for tournament formats and the like, so there'll be a bit of that involved as well.

I can't promise not to be a little biased sometimes - I'm a massive Dundee United and Everton fan, as well as Scotland, so there'll be some perspectives from that front. But I'll try my best to be as impartial as possible.

But the main reason I'm doing this is to get a bit of fun out of writing. I love sports, and I love football. I do eventually want to make a career out of this, and I do want to create engaging and entertaining articles for you all. But I want to enjoy doing this, and enjoy writing again.

So here goes nothing. Welcome to STUEFA. I hope you'll follow me along on this journey.



  1. Good Luck with it fella ! I like your writing and humor, so it'll be a good read.

    1. Thank you, that's kind of you to say! Appreciate that a lot.


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